Are you a new mom? Do something good for your body, support your regression and train together with your baby in our brand new Baby Pilates class. Pilates is excellent after pregnancy and birth to strengthen the muscles such as abdomen, pelvic floor and back, which were heavily stressed during pregnancy and birth.

Training can prevent later problems such as incontinence, uterine prolapse or back pain.

Train Pilates under professional guidance of pre- and postnatal expert Anja Riesenberg in a feel-good atmosphere for you and your baby.
Learn exciting things about your baby’s development and exchange ideas with other mothers.

The training takes place in small groups with a maximum of 7 participants. The classes are suitable for moms with babies up to 12 months and can also be booked as an online course.

Blankets for your baby are available. You are welcome to bring your own blanket, a breastfeeding pillow or a Maxi-Cosi. 


Tuesdays 10.45am to 11.45am. Participation is also possible online.

Your Investment

Bookable as a package of 5 for 140€. In addition, a voucher for a regular class visit is included.

Download flyer by clicking on the icon below.

To register, click on the “Register now” button below. Please fill in the form and send it by e-mail to

Information zur Buchung

Unser Tipp:
Mit unserer Buchungs-App MINDBODY können Sie schneller und einfacher über Ihr Handy reservieren und stornieren, bis zu acht Stunden vor Kursbeginn.

Einfach in unserem System als Kunde registrieren.

Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, unsere Kurse zu bewerten. Dazu einfach in der MINDBODY App den besuchten Kurs aufrufen und einen Kommentar hinterlassen.

Danke, dass Sie uns helfen noch besser zu werden!

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