
The Pilates method is based on the guiding principles of concentration, control, precision, breathing, centering and flow of movement. The focus of the training is on strengthening the core, the so called “powerhouse.” Pilates is mainly practiced on a mat, with or without aids, such as a small ball, Pilates roll or a Theraband.

Basic Pilates principles and positions are used, through dynamic length work and correct alignment of the body, to create body awareness and a good posture. The combination of breathing and movement is important to activate the body’s deep muscles.

Particular emphasis is attached to the pelvic floor muscles, seeing as, with increasing age or during pregnancy,  they become weakened and can therefore lead to back, hip and urinary problems.

Pilates is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, gender or fitness level. The Pilates method respects the individual anatomy of each individual, as well as their possibilities and limitations. Pilates can help prevent back pain and posture problems or alleviate existing limitations.

Suitable for all participants, maximum 6-8 participants (depending on the room size).

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Ab 15. Juli 2024 in der Workout App Studio.12 Moves