
Olivia Haag


OLIVIA HAAG TRAINER Olivia was born in Stuttgart, the city of ballet, and has danced ballet since early childhood, later acquiring jazz, contemporary and lyrical. After studying “Design and Innovation Management”, she gained experience at the Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance and completed the postgraduate program “The Nimble Project”. Since then she has been […]

Trainer*in Studio.12


EMMANUELLE RIZZO TRAINER Emmanuelle is a professional dancer from Italy. She joined the dancer Cast for “idomeneo Opern” and was a semi-finalist for “Solo Dance Contest” at Gdanski Festival Tanca. She also joined SEtanztheatre in Nürnberg and Susanna Curtis & Co., and was selected for a solo role in “Frau one Schatten” at Festspielhaus Baden-Baden. […]


BARBARA LUDERER TRAINER Barbara was born in Munich, is a trained hotel manager and business economist (FH) tourism and due to her decades of work in tourism, she travels a lot in the world. She has always been particularly drawn to India and the Himalayas. There she came into contact with the ancient and yet […]


JUERGEN ERNST TRAINER Yoga is an important anchor in Juergen’s life, giving him more serenity and focus. Therefore, after many years of practice, he decided to become a yoga teacher to actively share this great experience. Today he is a Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher (RYT500) and has completed his trainings at Airyoga Munich and […]

Trainerin Sina Barth


SINA BARTH TRAINER Sina is a yoga teacher, CrossFit coach and passionate athlete. Looking for a balance to her exhausting workouts, she came to yoga, which quickly became her new passion. In her yoga flows she combines dynamic, powerful elements with gentle, calm sequences and shows you that yoga works and is helpful for everyone, […]

Anaia Telian Fitnesstrainerin


ANAIS TELIAN TRAINERIN Anais unterrichtet seit mehreren Jahren Power Yoga. Während ihrer Studienzeit begann Sie R&B Musik immer mehr in ihre dynamischen Vinyasa Flows einfließen zu lassen, was großen Anklang fand. Zum Yoga kam Sie durch eine Sportverletzung und begann in ihren Anfängen von ihrem großen Vorbild Lesley Fightmaster zu lernen. Anais bezeichnet sich selbst […]

Studio12 Trainer


SELINA SCHWAABE TRAINERIN Selina ist eine Powerfrau und das spiegelt sich auch in ihren Stunden wieder. Bevor sie das Studio.12 kennengelernt hat, war sie ein richtiger „Sport-Muffel“. Vor allem durch das Barre-Training konnte sie ihre Liebe und Begeisterung für den Sport entwickeln. Mittlerweile hat sie die Ausbildung zur Barre-Fusion und Pilates Trainerin im Studio.12 erfolgreich absolviert, gibt […]



Catherine Pierce Trainer After completing her Bachelor’s degree in Opera Performance at the University of Oklahoma, Catherine worked at DEFINE: Body and Mind in sales and organization in Houston, Texas. Working at DEFINE got her addicted to spin, barre and bounce classes.  Catherine moved to Munich to pursue music and trained to be a Barre-Fusion […]


TANJA KRODEL STUDIO OWNER Tanja has been working internationally as a trainer for over 25 years. She educates trainers and develops training concepts for DVDs and books with other accomplished trainers and celebreties, including Barbara Becker, Veronica Ferres, Heiner Lauterbach and Christine Neubauer. She writes articles for magazines such as Elle, Madama, Vogue, Focus, Bunte […]

Heidi Hoelzer Fitnesstrainer


HEIDI HOELZER TRAINER “Do it now.  Sometimes later becomes never.” Heidi started with dance at the age of three in the USA and competed at a national level as a dancer and choreographer.After many years of working in the fashion industry, Heidi decided to change gears and explore the wellness arena.  One thing led to […]